My first co-op at WaveHQ was absolutely amazing. Wave provides an accounting platform as well as other financial resources for their clients (such as a payroll platform, invoicing, and a payment processor). Wave’s ideal clients are small business owners who truly feel the burden of bookkeeping and running a business at the same time. I was on the Machine Learning team, where we tackled many projects with the goal of providing automation for our users.
Wave my first job in the tech space, and set the bar for culture and work-environment very high! From highering the best people to having regular team building experiences, I truly felt like a part of the team.
During my time at Wave, we had many interesting projects. The biggest project was the analysis and improvement of a machine learning model to classify financial transactions for our users. This was an interesting project because it allowed us to try many alternative approaches and perform analysis on each to find the optimal solution. Another project I got to work on while I was there was to create the first iteration of a credit model to assess loan risk. The goal of this project was to replace the heuristic rules used to decide whether to give out loans with a "smarter" model. We completed the first iteration during my time there, but of course, everything has room for improving!
Overall, my first co-op at Wave was eye-opening, and exposed me to a new world. I liked it so much, I had to go back! Check out my next blog past to find out more about my second co-op at Wave!